Leadenhall Market

Italian Gardens, Kensington Gardens

Looking down Bishopsgate. This view is now no longer with the massive developments in the city.

Further down Bishopsgate, Likewise this view.

Shadows from reflected light

Arched Bridge over the Serpentine, Kensington Gardens

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Looking South Over the Long Water, Kensington Gardens

There is not a step here, but once seen it is hard to unsee

Moorgate and London Wall intersection

Marks and Spencers by Moorgate

Brutalism at the Barbican 1

Looking up from the Barbican High Walk

Beauty in Brutalism, Concrete Curves at the Barbican.

Brutalism at the Barbican 2

Moire Effect on tile work at the Barbican

Rising up, Barbican Tower Block

Greenwich Naval Academy 1

Greenwich Naval Academy 2

Cutty Sark Carousel

Kings College Cambridge 1

Ominous Clouds Cambridge

Kings College Cambridge 2

A face in the shadows Cambridge

Tate Modern

Looking West Along the Thames

St Pauls from Blackfriars Bridge

German Gymnasium Kings Cross

Kings Cross Extension Ground Floor Level

Kings Cross from Mezzanine

The LLoyds Building & Sculpture

Hungerford Foot Bridge

Looking towards St Paul's along the Wobbly Bridge